Integrated Marketing Territorial
The priority of tourism policies in any given area is that of increasing the number of tourists, the average duration of stays and encouraging off-season tourism. This can be carried out through the promotion of new types of vacations and especially through the development of both popular and unknown areas and by making cultural, religious, crafts, technological, sporting, environmental and wine and food itineraries attractive through integrated marketing projects. Protec is specialized in the study and preparation of personalized interactive road signs, augmented reality and the placing of enticing images in strategic places. This helps tourists who already have an organized itinerary as well as those who are adventurous and prefer to wander around and be drawn in by a sign which stimulates their imagination. Itineraries aimed at thematic experiences for tourists are in this way made accessible as they are virtual digital systems which are then portrayed by physical signs and therefore make for an easy-to-use itinerary for those following it. We are currently promoting projects with the Società Geografica Italiana, Consorzio Roma Ricerche and l'Isnart.
Getting to know them

Getting there and seeing them